Charlie Crutcher, Brotherhood
Lisa Hooper and Tracy Tanner, Women's Ministry
Shanitra Winslow - VBS, Youth Leader
Jennifer Austin - Team Kids
Tracy Tanner, Prayer Ministry, Team Kids
Loralie Pittman, Christian Education, Sunday school
Marie Williams, Wedding Coordinator, Baptism
Shanitra Winslow, Finance
Che Mc Ferrin, New Members
Myra Smith, Baptism, Bereavement
Mary Moore, Usher/Greeter
Deaconess Loralie Pittman
Rev. Dr. Wilbert C. Baker, Senior Pastor Pastor Baker is a native Houstonian, and the founding... (more)
Rev. Michael Worthman, Associate Minister Rev. Michael Worthman is a native of Gary, IIndiana. He... (more)
Debra Palms, Director of Biblical Counseling and Spiritual Formation Sis. Debra completed prayer... (more)